Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Skeptics' Guide To The Universe

I've just discovered "The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe". You can find their podcast here. If you're using Zune like me, you will have to find the podcast from Zune software or copy the following link directly: I have to admit that I find it annoying to see iPod specific podcast links. What about all of us out there using other devices?! Well, it's true we may only be a 15% market share, but don't write us off, we may grow yet.

Either way, I plan to dive into their podcast during my daily walking routine. I expect good things, given that I've heard about the guide from Dr. Ginger Campbell on her podcast "The Brain Science Podcast", which I found very intriguing.

The Brain Science Podcast

Note to self: check out the details of "The Brain Science Podcast".